
Movie Recommendation: Zero Days

One of the most fascinating hacker movies I’ve ever seen, Zero Days documents the secrecy and devestation of Stuxnet, the world’s first cyber weapon.

This film captures interviews with whistleblowers who have come forth for the first time about their involvement with Stuxnet – and how the project was nearly compromized due to overly ambitious team members.

You can find it on streaming and DVD here.


Book Recommendation: Countdown to Zero Day

When most people hear the phrase “cyber attack,” they think of downed computer systems – not a virus designed to physically destroy millions of dollars of uranium refinement centrifuges.

Stuxnet was the first known malware designed to target industrial control systems. It did so by causing centrifuges to spin out of control, all while reporting back to the control room that equipment was operating as expected.

This book details the story behind Stuxnet, the “world’s first digital weapon.” It’s available in softcover, hardcover, audiobook, and Kindle.

You can find it on Amazon here.